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Rhode Island Grand Lodge
Passport Program

Instruction and requirements for a Blue Lodge to participate in the Grand Masters Award Program

Instructions and Requirements

Within thirty (30) days of the installation of officers, a letter signed by the Worshipful Master and both Wardens signifying the intention of that lodge and its officers to participate in the Grand Master's Award Program must be presented to the District Deputy Grand Master of that District. At the same time, the Worshipful Master must present a formal plan for the year detailing his intentions and those of his officers for each meeting, special program, social event and goal.

On the following pages are a list of ten (10) requirements and ten (10) optional endeavors which will be considered in the conferring of the Grand Master's Award. Of those considered optional, at least five (5) must be accomplished. The District Deputy Grand Master will be required to certify each of the categories with whatever assistance he may need.

This award will be concurrent with the Master's term in office. Every exception will be adjudicated by the Grand Master after consultation with the District Deputy Grand Master.

This is an optional program. Only those lodges who wish to participate should. The aware will be given at the Semi-Annual or Annual Communication of Grand Lodge closest to the end of the Master's term of office. A plaque will be given to the lodge and a special certificate to the Master. This is to encourage lodges to work and honor them specially for this work.

Required Categories

1.    VISITATION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER: Of the line of officers (13), six must attend every official visitation within the District.

2.    GRAND LODGE ANNUAL/SEMI-ANNUAL: The lodge must be represented by the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden or Proxy at each Communication.

3.    GRAND LODGE REQUIREMENTS: In addition to the above, assure that all Grand Lodge requirements have been fulfilled including:

a.    75% attendance of all officers at workshops and forums,
b.    Payment of Grand Lodge Per Capita Tax,
c.    Filing of all forms and reports on time, and
d.    All candidates attending forums.

4.    DISTRICT CHARITY PROJECT: Participation in the District Charity Project is required by the officers and members—both in attendance and as committee members.

5.    SPECIAL LADIES PROGRAM: Describe in full the program which you lodge has developed, or plans to have, for your widows.

6.    COMMUNITY SERVICE: A program designed to serve the community and its citizens in the name of Freemasonry. Describe in full.

7.    DEMOLAY AND RAINBOW: This may be support of either organization or both through visitation, attendance at installation, adult leadership, members appointed to advisory boards, participation at conclaves or other activities for our Masonic Youth. Describe in full.

8.    RELIGIOUS SERVICE PARTICIPATION: Plan and participate in a service of worship by attending a church in regalia as a lodge, part of a district or Grand Lodge service.

9.    PROGRAM TO AVOID SUSPENSION AND DEMITS: Participation in the Grand Lodge program to contact 100% of your members due to be dropped for non-payment of dues. This is to be done in person when possible and the report to Grand Lodge filed immediately. (Grand Lodge Investigation Forms available from the Grand Secretary’s office.)

10.    FAMILY SOCIAL FUNCTION: Hold a function for the families of our Masonic members. To be done both for children and wives—such as ladies nights, holiday parties, family picnics or outings or other functions designed for the family members.

Optional Requirements
(A minimum of five are required)

1.    CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION PROGRAM: Offer a certification program in CPR within your lodge.

2.    MASON/NON-MASON PROGRAMS: Describe and offer a program for relatives and friends to educate and entertain non-Masons through films, speakers, open house, etc.

3.    SERVICE COMMITTEE: Describe a program for service to your members, transportation to lodge, telephoning, hospital, nursing or home visits, etc.

4.    BLOOD PROGRAM: Participation in a district, Shrine, community or state blood drive. In no case can donations, in pints, be less than 10% of membership of those eligible to donate for the year.

5.    Programs At Meetings: Describe your program or speakers to be present at your meetings when degree work is not being done.

6.    BIG BROTHER: Asking a member or signer of the candidate’s application to attend meetings with him, forums, degrees to sit in lodge, general assistance for the first year. This should not be an officer.

7.    FELLOWCRAFT CLUB, TROWEL CLUB, ETC.: Describe the type of club, its activities and how it helps the lodge.

8.    MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION: One new member to assist the Masonic Service Association at the Veteran’s Hospital Volunteer Program.

9.    INTERVISITATION: Describe in detail your participation in an intervisitation with another lodge, within or outside of your district—within or outside of the Jurisdiction.

Robert A. Palazzo,
Most Worshipful
Grand Master

Upon its verification, the Passport Award Certificate will be made ready for the recipient to receive. The recipient will be notified of the time and place they will receive the award.