Grand Lodge Marks the 100th Anniversary of Freemasons Hall With a Cornerstone Rededication Ceremony
On Saturday, October 26, 2024, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Rhode Island celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Freemasons Hall by rededicating the cornerstone, originally placed on October 25, 1924 to begin construction of the building that was to be the home of Rising Sun Lodge No. 30.
The rededication ceremony began with a procession from the Taunton Ave. side of the building, around the corner to Alice St. and then through the double doors of Freemason Hall. The procession was led by bagpiper Stephen Small followed by W∴George W. Meleleu, Jr., Senior Past Master of St. Johns Lodge No. 1 holding the open Bible; W∴ E. Sebastian Candelaria, Worshipful Master of St. John Lodge No. 1 holding the working tools; and W∴ Juan E. Zapata, Worshipful Master of Rising Sun Lodge No. 30 holding the trowel.
The ceremony was conducted by M∴W∴ Grand Master Andre H. Faria, Jr. in the lodge room assisted by R∴W∴ Deputy Grand Master Rick Baccus, R ?W∴ Senior Grand Warden Gilbert J. Fontes, and Acting Junior Grand Warden M∴W∴ Stephen E. Mitchell, R∴W∴ Grand Chaplain Mekawy E. Elmekawy, and R∴W∴ Grand Secretary Ronald P. Reed.
R∴W∴ Deputy Grand Master Baccus opened the ceremony and asked the R∴W∴ Grand Chaplain to offer the invocation. He then called on the Color Guard from Overseas Lodge No. 40 to present the colors. After the colors were posted, the R∴W∴Deputy Grand Master called on R∴W∴ Grand Secretary Reed to announce the ceremony.
The replica cornerstone was tried with the working tools of Operative Masonry, the square, the level and the plumb, and found to be true. The stone was then consecrated with corn, wine and oil emblematical of plenty, health and peace. Concluding the ceremony, Acting R∴W∴Grand Marshal Jack Anderson proclaimed the cornerstone of Freemasons Hall to be rededicated in ample and ancient form, according to the customs and usages of Free and Accepted Masons.
Replica Cornerstone is Westerly Granite
The replica cornerstone was fashioned from an 18” X 18” piece of Westerly granite and was formed, carved and finished by Javier Alfonzo, W∴ Grand Master of Ceremonies for the Southern District. W∴ Alfonzo is a stonemason by trade and hand carved the wording and the square and compasses on the stone.
A special guest at the rededication ceremony was East Providence Mayor the Honorable Roberto L. Da Silva who presented the Grand Lodge with a certificate acknowledging the Craft’s contributions to the city. Grand Master Faria, in turn, presented him, two bottles of Portuguese wine.
Bro. Huascar Uriona, Nosce Te Ipsum Lodge No. 19, a guest from Bolivia, brought greetings from Gran Logia de Bolivia.
Jeff Faria, East Providence Historical Society, also attended the event.
Grand Master Faria also recognized M∴W∴Grand Masters Donald Pratt, Grand Lodge of Maine; Daniel R. Hotchkiss, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire; and Edward C. Page, Grand Lodge of Connecticut and presented them with citations making them Honorary Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
A collation followed the event, and all attendees were presented with glassware commemorating the occasion.

M∴W∴Grand Master Andre H. Faria, Jr. declares the stone to be well formed and true. Photo: W∴ Mark Lomastro

Bro. Huascar Uriona, Nosce Te Ipsum Lodge No. 19, a guest from Bolivia, center, brought greetings from Gran Logia de Bolivia. He was invited to attend the ceremony by Melvin Silverio, R ?W∴ DDGM of the Southern District, left, and was welcomed by M∴W∴ Grand Master Andre H. Faria, Jr.
Photo: W∴Mark Lomastro

M∴W∴ Grand Master Andre H. Faria, Jr. thanks the Mayor of East Providence, The Honorable Roberto L. Da Silva, for his attendance and remarks at the cornerstone rededication ceremony. Photo: W∴ Mark Lomastro

M∴W∴ Grand Master Andre Faria, Jr. presents M∴W∴ Grand Masters Donald Pratt, Grand Lodge of Maine; Daniel R. Hotchkiss, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire; and Edward C. Page, Grand Lodge of Connecticut citations making them Honorary Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Photo: Antonio Rodriques